Started Sailing

Most Embarassing Rookie Mistake!

by Alex
(London, UK)

Hi all,

It is difficult for me to admit this, but I feel that I have to. When I was in Corfu and the winds were blowing about a Force 3, I could see that my brother who was sailing a Topper, was gybing without pulling his sheet in (which those of you who have sailed single handlers may know, is the wrong thing to do as the sheet can get caught on the hull).

Anywho I called to him to watch me, so I could show him how to gybe. I beared away letting out the mainsheet as I went. Suddenly, a gust hit me and I started speeding off. Then, the rookie mistake, I decided to gybe in the gust. This ended up in miserable failure and I capsize. It is safe to say that after this moment, I decided not to lecture him on little details. He was in such fits of laughter, he nearly capsized.

Morale of the story: Don't show off!

What about the rest of you? Made any super embarassing mistakes that you will admit to??

Comments for Most Embarassing Rookie Mistake!

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Nov 26, 2009
by: tonette

it was indeed embarrassing! but i guess its how we learned from the mistakes we commit..well for me i am just an observer an assistant to my dad..when we go sailing he was the captain ..

Nov 26, 2009
by: Nakchura

Ha ha. Kind of funny when I imagine that happening. Hi hi. Anyways, I think its gonna be hard for me to tell it twice so just follow this link for my story. :lol:

Nov 26, 2009
by: savvyeyty

I'm not that a pro yet but I already have many. One would perhaps be the time when my sailboat always turned upside down infront of many people. Ha ha ha I was practicing and its really embarrassing when many people around can see your mistakes.

Nov 26, 2009
by: takatenamano

Did you also broke the sails? That would really be trouble some you know.

Apr 10, 2012
Falling In!
by: BM

After not sailing for many years, I got back into dinghy's and my first time out in Newport Harbor, I tacked and my but slid right off, sending me into the water. There were quite a few large yachts around and a lot of laughter. The fun of dinghy sailing is that usually when you make a mistake- you get wet!

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