Started Sailing

Wet sanding the hull?

by Josh
(Baltimore, Maryland)

I have been working on my laser, before the season starts and I have been trying to repair all the scratches that have acumulated over the years.

Could someone please tell me the proper way to wetsand? Any tips, pointers and advice would be extremely useful to me!


Comments for Wet sanding the hull?

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Apr 08, 2010
Quite some question!
by: Han

Wet sanding is a handicraft, and I fear it has to be learned by experience. Take waterproof sandpaper with a fine grit, for example 200, and do it by hand! First sand a spot below the waterline, to get the feel of it and to see if your grit is as fine as you wanted. Keep a bucket of water and a sponge at hand & keep it wet: the water is your lubricant and your cooling medium! If the surface is too rough after sanding, take a finer grit.

Happy sailing this summer!



Jun 09, 2011
How to wetsand
by: Mustang

You need a little more help here. First always use a sanding block of some kind. The small flexible red-rubber ones are OK, or a drywall sanding board about 10 inches long with a firm foam rubber pad glued to it. Start with 320 wet & dry paper and work you way up through 400, then 600 wt. The paper is cut to fit your sanding block. Avoid sanding without a block, board or some firm, straight, medium supporting your paper. Unless you want the bottom of your boat to resemble your hand, that is. The flatter and firmer your sanding block the flatter and smoother the hull. Have a bucket handy and fill it with warm water and a little dish detergent. This will help to keep the sand paper from loading up with gelcoat, and keep your hands warm. Before wet sanding, if your scratches are deep, clean them with acetone, and fill them with gelcoat using a small paintbrush. The gelcoat will shrink a bit so overfill the scratches. The 320 wt. will level the excess fairly quickly after the gelcoat hardens.

Aug 08, 2015
by: Anonymous

The government should also focus to establish more educational institutions in rural areas so that the students need customessays uk service to spend their money to travel to far off place and find accommodation in other cities for higher education which too, results in spending a lot of money.

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