Started Sailing

Why Do You Sail?

by Alex
(London, UK)

The reason I sail is to relieve my self of stress and I know many people do the same. If I don't go to sailing one week, I am usually moody and unresponsive for the rest of the week. Sailing is my dose of medecine that gets me through the week and looking forward to the Saturday when I can experience natural movement and the feeling of flying.

The emotions are incomprehensible and are difficult to describe. I suppose one might be exhilaration and the feeling of freedom (even though a lake can be quite constricting, so I am refering more towards ocean sailing).

I don't think yachting comes close to the feelings one experiences on a small 14 foot dinghy sailboat travelling at around 5-6 knots if not more. The movements and judders of the boat moving over a particularly large crest or hitting a patch of strong wind are so totally different to what happens on a yacht.

Yachting is for older people who have slower reactions as it is inadvisable on a yacht to be continually changing the mainsheet or gibsheet, but on a dinghy it is absolutely essential. A yacht cannot take advantage of small piece of strong wind whilst the agile dinghy can.

This is not meant to be an attack on yachts, but it is meant to be the reason why I sail dinghies and prefer dinghies.

So now I turn the tables over to you. Why do you sail?

Comments for Why Do You Sail?

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Nov 27, 2009
In my case
by: tonette

i just want to experience what is it to be in the open seas..its like conquering my fear and the likes..

Nov 27, 2009
As for me
by: Savvyeyty

I sail because it really relaxes me so much. Its one of the few things in the world I enjoy. Although all I do is the basics. I still enjoy it.

Nov 27, 2009
by: Takatenamano

I'm not that of a veteran when it comes to sailing but here goes. I sail because I want to. I want to since it really brings me back my mood. Plus, it usually calms me since when I sail, all I got to think about is nothing more but just sail. Sail sail sail and that's it. And because I love doing it, it really makes me happy which is a very important thing for me.

Nov 27, 2009
by: savvyeyty

That's nice takatenamano. I also do it for my own relaxation and enjoyment. I even fish sometimes while just drifting.

Nov 27, 2009
i like everything!
by: Lilja

It is really hard to explain....i just feel like everything and nothing all at the same time....It so fun and exciting and thrilling all at once!!

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